_1837 Farsi Iranian Persian Perse New Nouveau Testament Iran Martyn persisk Persan Persien persisch 5 Farsca Perse Yeni : Mazanderan, God, Jesus Christ, Early Christians, خدا ، عیسی مسیح ، ترینیتی مری ، خدا ، مسیحیت با (2024)

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Farsca Surum (Farsca, Iran, Farsca), Yeni Ahit ve Hıristiyan Incil de.
Bu surum erken 1800s Henry Martyn tarafından uretilmektedir. Daha fazla berrak bir ceviri oldugunu
Bazı modern versiyonları daha.

Bir elektronik kitap (PDF) ve Welcome to the Farsca Yeni Ahit 1837 icin dosyaları.
Bu baskı, yuksek cozunurlukte taranan oldu.

Bu Elektronik Kitabın BOLUM SAYISI bes (5) [Farsca - Farsca IS].

Bu Yeni Ahit Iran Farsca Farsca dokuz halinde (9) bolumleri icin bolmek
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(Ya da elektronik), tum 9 bolumleri ve cek kesme ve yapıstırma lutfen arama halinde bulmak icin
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" 1837 Iranian Farsi Persian Perse New Nouveau Testament Iran "

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Bu sizin icin guvenli oldugunu size kopyalar ve yerde onları korumak icin, tavsiye ederiz.

Bu sayfaya baglantı ve isterseniz bu konuda baskalarına bildirmek. Repost, baskı ve paylasmak icin cekinmeyin.

Ùسخ٠ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û (ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û Ø Ø§ÛراÙÛ Ø ÙارسÛ) از عÙد جدÛد در کتاب ÙÙدس ÙسÛØ­ÛاÙ.
در اÛÙ Ùسخ٠را در اÙاÛÙ 1800s تÙسط Martyn ÙÙØ±Û ØªÙÙÛد شد٠است. اÛÙ ÛÚ© ترجÙ٠است ک٠در اداÙÙ Ùجعد است.
از Ø¨Ø±Ø®Û Ø§Ø² Ùسخ٠ÙØ§Û Ùدر٠است.

Ø®ÙØ´ Ø¢ÙدÛد ب٠ÛÚ©Û Ø§Ø² کتاب اÙکترÙÙÛÚ© (اÙ) ÙاÛÙ Ùا را Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û Ø¹Ùد جدÛد از 1837.
در اÛÙ Ùسخ٠با ÙضÙØ­ باÙا) اسک٠شد٠است.

اÛ٠بخش ÛÚ©Û Ø§Ø² Ø´Ùار٠(# 1) اÛ٠کتاب اÙکترÙÙÛÚ©Û [ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û -- ÙارسÛ].

در اÛ٠عÙد جدÛد در اÛرا٠ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û Ø¨Ù ØªÙسÛÙ ÙÙ (9) را Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û Ø¨Ø®Ø´
راحت تر داÙÙÙد. Ùا تÙصÛÙ ÙÛ Ú©ÙÛ٠ارتباط با سرعت باÙا است.

اگر Ø´Ùا ÛÚ© اتصا٠با سرعت باÙا را Ùداشت٠باشÙد Ø Ø§Û٠کتابÙا ÙÙÚÙÛÙ ÙÛ ØªÙاÙÛد ÙشاÙد٠ÙÛ Ø´Ùد Ø Ø®ÙاÙد٠Ûا تÙاشا Ø
Ø¨Ù Ø¬Ø§Û Ø¯Ø§ÙÙÙد. اÛÙ Ùت٠ب٠زبا٠ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û Ø§Ø³Øª ک٠تÙرÛبا ب٠طÙر کاÙÙ (اÛراÙ) (ÙارسÛ) با استÙاد٠از خط عربÛ.

Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û Ù¾Ûدا کرد٠(Ù Ûا رسÛد٠اÙکترÙÙÛÚ©Û) تÙا٠بخش ÙØ§Û 9 Ø ÙØ·Ùا برش Ù ÚسباÙد٠را ب٠جستجÙÛ Ø®Ùد را Ø
ÙÙتÙر جستجÙÛ Ø®Ùد را Ø Ù Ûا ÙرÙرگر اÛÙترÙت Ø´Ùا :

"1837 اÛراÙÛ ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û ÙØ§Ø±Ø³Û Perse Ù٠عÙد جدÛد اÛراÙ"

اÛ٠را باÛد در را Ù¾Ûدا کرد٠٠Ùادر ب٠Ùر ÙسÙت را اÙتخاب Ú©ÙÛد Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û Ø¯Ø§ÙÙÙد را در کاÙÙ¾ÛÙتر Ø´Ùا Ø´Ùد.

Ùا Ø´Ùا را تشÙÛ٠ب٠اÛجاد Ù Ú©Ù¾Û Ø¢ÙÙا را در ÙØ­Ù Ø®Ùد Ùگ٠دارÛد Ø Ø§Ú¯Ø± اÛ٠کار را Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û Ø´Ùا اÙ٠است.

Ø´Ùا ÙÛ ØªÙاÙÛد ب٠اÛ٠صÙØ­Ù ÙÛÙÚ© ٠اطÙاع ب٠دÛگرا٠دربار٠اÛ٠اگر Ø´Ùا ÙÛ Ø®ÙاÙÙ. احساس راÛÚ¯Ø§Ù Ø¨Ù Ø Úاپ ٠ب٠اشتراک بگذارÙد.


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Note: If you cannot read portions of this text, most likely your computer is not equipped to read foreign language fonts.


Ne, Donusumler Hıristiyanlık icin acıktır devlet, (Yeni Ahit veya Incil gore) girisimi icin, ASLA zorunlu olabilir.
Gercek donusum ve kuvvet veya tehdit sonucu orijinal olmalıdır.

Her Donusum Hıristiyanlıgın hangi Zorla NOT Tanrı tarafından tanınan olacagını olacaktır.
Orijinal sonsuz sevgi Tanrı iyilik ve gercek ask bir dogası vardır. Onlar, Tanrı Hıristiyanlıgı kabul, O'na kendi bireysel kisisel tercih ve ozgur irade dayalı inanıyorum secin.

Onlar Hıristiyanlar Isa (Dogru takipcisi) olmak O'na kendi ozgur WILL gelmelidir.
Otantik Hıristiyanlar Zorla Donusumler desteklemez.

Otantik Hıristiyan olma haline herkes bir donusum kabul etmedigimiz bir Hıristiyan, ancak bu donusum tamamen istege baglıdır.

Gercek Hıristiyanlık zorunlu asla.


Destek insan hakları evrensel bildirge

Insan hakları evrensel bildirge gore,
Cekirdek Evrensel Hakları sunlardır:

Sag ve ibadet ve tanık icin inanmak (hakkı acıklamak icin),
Dogru bir inanc veya din degistirmek icin,
ve sag birlikte katılmak ve baskalarıyla birlikte bir inanc ifade.

Support the universal declaration of human rights

According to the universal declaration of human rights,
Core Universal Rights include:

The right to believe and to worship and witness (the right to explain),
The right to change one's belief or religion,
and The right to join together and express one's belief with others.


_1837 Farsi Iranian Persian Perse New Nouveau Testament Iran Martyn persisk Persan Persien persisch 5 Farsca Perse Yeni : Mazanderan, God, Jesus Christ, Early Christians, خدا ، عیسی مسیح ، ترینیتی مری ، خدا ، مسیحیت با  (2024)


What is Jesus in Persian? ›

عیسی More Farsi words for Jesus. noun عیسی

Can you have a Bible in Iran? ›

The Bible in languages of Iran

Armenian and Assyrian Christians use Bibles in their own languages. Multiple Persian translations and versions of the Bible have been translated in more recent times, although distribution of Christian literature in Persian is currently illegal.

How old is Jesus Christ? ›

Bornc. 6 to 4 BC Herodian kingdom, Roman Empire
DiedAD 30 or 33 (aged 33 or 38) Jerusalem, Judaea, Roman Empire
Cause of deathCrucifixion
Known forCentral figure of Christianity Major prophet in Islam and Druze Faith Manifestation of God in Baháʼí Faith
2 more rows

What did Jesus do between 12 and 30? ›

In the 19th and 20th centuries, theories began to emerge that, between the ages of 12 and 29, Jesus had visited India and Nepal for spiritual enlightenment inspiring from Hinduism, or had studied with the Essenes in the Judaean Desert.

What is Jesus called in Hebrew? ›

Jesus' name in Hebrew was “Yeshua” which translates to English as Joshua.

What do Islam call Jesus? ›

Islamic theology. Muslims do not worship Jesus, who is known as Isa in Arabic, nor do they consider him divine, but they do believe that he was a prophet or messenger of God and he is called the Messiah in the Quran.

Which countries are banned from Bibles? ›

In the present day, various Islamic states ban or severely restrict possession of the Bible, particularly for Muslim residents. Such countries include Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Libya, Maldives, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen.

Is it illegal to be an atheist in Iran? ›

Irreligion in Iran has a long historical background, but is difficult to measure, as those who profess atheism are at risk of arbitrary detention, torture, and the death penalty. Non-religious citizens are officially unrecognized by the Iranian government.

Why are Iranians converting to Christianity? ›

Frustration with a repressive and religiously rooted regime and a critical and negative view of Islam, are some of the reasons given as to why Muslim Iranians choose to convert to Christianity. At the same time, the movement is growing as a result of a targeted missionary activity by Christian organizations abroad.

Where is Jesus buried? ›

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. The Garden Tomb is a rock-cut tomb in Jerusalem, which was unearthed in 1867 and is considered by some Protestants to be the tomb of Jesus. The tomb has been dated by Israeli archaeologist Gabriel Barkay to the 8th–7th centuries BC.

What language did Jesus speak? ›

There exists a consensus among scholars that the language of Jesus and his disciples was Aramaic. Aramaic was the common language of Judea in the first century AD.

How old is God today? ›

What is God's relationship to time? We cannot assign an age to God. God is infinite.

Who are Jesus' biological siblings? ›

The brothers of Jesus or the adelphoi (Greek: ἀδελφοί, translit. adelphoí, lit. "of the same womb") are named in the New Testament as James, Joses (a form of Joseph), Simon, Jude, and unnamed sisters are mentioned in Mark and Matthew.

Where is Jesus buried in India? ›

The Roza Bal shrine in Srinagar, Kashmir, believed by the Ahmadis to be the tomb of Jesus.

Did Jesus ever live in Egypt? ›

Both of the gospels which describe the nativity of Jesus agree that he was born in Bethlehem and then later moved with his family to live in Nazareth. The Gospel of Matthew describes how Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went to Egypt to escape from Herod the Great's slaughter of the baby boys in Bethlehem.

What did the Persians call God? ›

Khuda (Persian: خُدا, romanized: xodâ, Persian pronunciation: [xoˈdɒː]) is the Persian word for God. Originally, it was used as a noun in reference to Ahura Mazda (the name of the God in Zoroastrianism) although it is now mainly used to refer to the God in an Islamic context.

What is Persian for Lord? ›

Khuda or Khoda (Persian: خدا‎) is the Persian word for "Lord" or "God".

What did Jesus call God in Arabic? ›

Jews and Christians prayed to God as Allah long before the prophet Mohammed, who himself acknowledged that Arabian Jews and Christians of his time used the word Allah for God.

What is the biblical name for Persia? ›

In the later parts of the Bible, where this kingdom is frequently mentioned (Books of Esther, Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah), it is called Paras (Biblical Hebrew: פרס), or sometimes Paras u Madai (פרס ומדי), ("Persia and Media").


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.