Felicity Nicole April Vázquez (2024)

May 26 2024

My darling new husband Xavier has requested if he can say on here what he thinks of his new bride and I have reluctantly said yes as he has been quite insistent! He has written it in his native Spanish and I have copied it on here and also with the English translation.

Hi to all Felicity's followers,

I am Xavier Vázquez, Felicity's husband of 2 weeks. I wanted to say just how lucky I feel to be married to the most pretty and sexy woman I have ever known. I am deeply in love with her and have fancied her ever since we became lovers on the weekend escort duties that she conducts by courtesy of her ex husband, Oscar.

Last year Oscar shocked Felicity by telling her he wanted a divorce and she was so upset. They had been married nearly 20 years and she thought he was her soul mate. Oscar told her that it was out of deep love for her that he was doing this and he was not happy that he could never satisfy her sexually in the way they used to. Oscar had been living in Singapore most of last year and in fact he found a lady his own age there and they had got very close and he felt settled. So late last year when he returned to Saginaw for Christmas he dropped the bombshell and told her of his intentions. Felicity was devastated but she continued to have her escort weekends and carried on as if everything was OK with her clients.

Oscar returned to Singapore to live there permanently and to marry his now lover and he gave over their property to Felicity and arranged it to be solely in her name. It was during this time that I had a beautiful weekend with Felicity in Brighton and although I had fancied her for a long time going over the last few years it was always on a sexual basis for the weekends. She opened her heart to me and we decided to have a week's holiday in Spain and during that time we fell in love with each other.

For the next month Felicity and I lived in Brighton as a married couple and we clicked so much that I knew the time was right and I asked her to marry me. To my delight she accepted and she has been my beautiful wife for 2 weeks now and I am the happiest man in the world!

For the last few months we have had so much love making and despite being 10 years younger than Felicity she has been wearing me out but I love it!

I want her to carry on her escort weekends just as before with my both my friends and colleagues but also Oscar's as well as she built up a good rapport with some of them and knows exactly what makes them tick and she loves the sex she gets from all her lovers.

So please continue to enjoy her photos on here. I really love the thought of my gorgeous wife being ogled by her followers and especially when they tell her they like to cum looking at her sexy pictures!

She plans to put more photos on here in the near future but in the meantime she says she is occupied getting all the sex she can with me and then back with all her lovers!

Xavier Vázquez

Hola a todos los seguidores de Felicity,

Soy Xavier Vázquez, el esposo de Felicity desde hace 2 semanas. Quería decir lo afortunado que me siento de estar casado con la mujer más bonita y sexy que he conocido. Estoy profundamente enamorado de ella y me ha gustado desde que nos convertimos en amantes en las tareas de acompañante de fin de semana que lleva a cabo por cortesía de su ex esposo, Oscar.

El año pasado, Oscar sorprendió a Felicity diciéndole que quería divorciarse y ella estaba muy molesta. Habían estado casados casi 20 años y ella pensaba que él era un alma gemela. Oscar le dijo que era por un profundo amor hacia ella que estaba haciendo esto y que no estaba contento de no poder satisfacerla sexualmente de la manera en que solían hacerlo. Oscar había estado viviendo en Singapur la mayor parte del año pasado y, de hecho, encontró a una señora de su misma edad allí y se habían acercado mucho y se sintió asentado. Así que a finales del año pasado, cuando regresó a Saginaw para Navidad, soltó la bomba y le contó sus intenciones. Felicity estaba devastada, pero continuó teniendo sus fines de semana de escolta y siguió adelante como si todo estuviera bien con sus clientes.

Oscar regresó a Singapur para vivir allí de forma permanente y casarse con su ahora amante, y cedió su propiedad a Felicity y la arregló para que estuviera únicamente a su nombre. Fue durante este tiempo que pasé un hermoso fin de semana con Felicity en Brighton y, aunque me había gustado durante mucho tiempo en los últimos años, siempre fue sobre una base sexual durante los fines de semana. Ella me abrió su corazón y decidimos pasar una semana de vacaciones en España Y durante ese tiempo nos enamoramos el uno del otro.

Durante el mes siguiente, Felicity y yo vivimos en Brighton como una pareja casada y nos conectamos tanto que supe que era el momento adecuado y le pedí que se casara conmigo. Para mi deleite, ella aceptó y ha sido mi hermosa esposa durante 2 semanas y ¡soy el hombre más feliz del mundo!

Durante el mes siguiente, Felicity y yo vivimos en Brighton como una pareja casada y nos conectamos tanto que supe que era el momento adecuado y le pedí que se casara conmigo. Para mi deleite, ella aceptó y ha sido mi hermosa esposa durante 2 semanas y ¡soy el hombre más feliz del mundo!

Durante los últimos meses hemos tenido mucho amor haciendo el amor y, a pesar de ser 10 años más joven que Felicity, me ha estado cansando, ¡pero me encanta!

Quiero que continúe con sus fines de semana de acompañantes como antes con mis amigos y colegas, pero también con los de Oscar, ya que construyó una buena relación con algunos de ellos y sabe exactamente lo que los hace funcionar y le encanta el sexo que recibe de todos sus amantes.

Así que, por favor, continúen disfrutando de sus fotos aquí. ¡Realmente me encanta la idea de que mis seguidores miren con los ojos a mi hermosa esposa y especialmente cuando le dicen que les gusta correrse mirando sus fotos sexys!

Ella planea poner más fotos aquí en un futuro cercano, pero mientras tanto dice que está ocupada teniendo todo el sexo que pueda conmigo y luego de vuelta con todos sus amantes.

Xavier Vázquez

May 14 2024

Well I am now officially Mrs Felicity Vázquez! 😍 👩‍❤️‍👨

Xavier and I tied the knot in a quiet ceremony last Saturday in Brighton! 😍 👩‍❤️‍👨

Present were my lesbian lover sisters, Natalia and Anatassia and Xavier's ex-wife Gabriella! 😍 👩‍❤️‍👨

No more Mrs Lloyd but now Mrs Vázquez! My new hubby calls me 'Felicity Vázquez - The Pantyhose Queen'! 😍 👩‍❤️‍👨

May 1 2024

Things have been moving fast in my life! My dearest Hubby, Oscar and I have divorced after 20 years married! It is a totally mutual agreement between us. Oscar has met someone in Singapore and will be living there permanently. He has transferred our big house in Saginaw to be totally in my name and I will continue to live there and my home in Brighton U.K.

I have had a wonderful week in Barcelona with Xavier and his family! His mother adores me and told me that I am the best thing to have happened to her son for many years! I met his ex-wife Gabriella and we both had an attraction for each other, Xavier is delighted about this and we both have told him that we plan to have some girly fun together at regular intervals! 😍

After I told Xavier about Oscar and I divorcing he asked me to be his wife and I immediately accepted! I am so happy! I adore this man and he fulfils me in so many ways that he is just like Oscar really but 30 years younger and I suppose he is my 'toyboy' of 10 years! He wants me to continue being a prostitute/escort if I wish, not only for his friends, but to continue with Oscar's friends as well! He also accepts that I have a deep and lasting relationship with my lover Natalia and her sister Anatassia! What more could this woman want, I have absolutely everything! 😍

We plan to get married very soon and I will announce on here when I am officially Mrs Xavier Vázquez! 😍

April 19 2024

I have fallen in love with Xavier, something I didn't think possible after my love for hear hubby, Oscar. 😍

Oscar knows I have fancied Xavier for a long time but really only a basis of being one of my favorite escorts and for being such an exciting lover.

Xavier and I are off for a weekend to Barcelona to meet his family and also his ex-wife, Gabriella! They were married for over 20 years and bizarrely he says she fancies me! So you never know, it could be an interesting weekend! 👩‍❤️‍👩

April 12 2024

I am looking forward to another sexy weekend with my partner Xavier! We have been living together for a month now and it has been fabulous and I am now known as Mrs Vázquez!

To all his friends we are now a married couple and they know me as Felicity Vázquez!

He is such a great lover and he even arranges escort evenings for me with some of his friends!

April 9 2024

I have had so many requests to add my photos to some new groups and I have been delighted to do so. However, some of these apply the out of date 30/60 rule and so I am unable to add them. Please guys, change your groups to be 30/60 exempt, it is so easy to do!

March 8 2024

Currently in a relationship with Xavier in Brighton UK!

Please continue to enjoy my photos as my new lover enjoys me being ogled and treated as a wanking model!

Please let me know which photos excite you the most!

November 25 2023

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

I have noticed recently that a lot of women are now withdrawing their photos on here and creating a private viewership where you have to join a paid membership scheme, very sad. 😟

I have no intention of doing this! The pictures you see of me on here are all the ones that I intend to show and there will be no paid up 'private viewings'! 😍

I get a real buzz out of showing my favorite photos taken of me on here and I so enjoy the comments and the likes and the fact that I am now on 67 million views shows that my followers enjoy what they see as well! 😍

My husband, Oscar, gets a thrill out of seeing my photos on here and so does my long term lover, Natalia and her sister Anatassia! 😍

So please enjoy my photos from the most sweet and innocent ones of me to the most slu*tty whorish ones which are strictly for the over 18s only! 😛 💋 💋 💗

May 22 2023

Back in Saginaw with Natalia and Anatassia, my lesbian lover and her younger sister, for a week or so before we go back to Brighton UK for another month or so to our Love Nest in the Sussex countryside!

MY GROUPS! Please note I will reject all photos that show any of the following or not! NO Smoking, no hairy bodies, no co*cks, no dark glasses! Photos must be in focus and not blurry and the woman's face MUST show! Too many photos are being submitted to my groups that do not meet up to my standards. These groups are to show women and not hairy men's bodies and co*cks!

I have created many groups on here and all of them are 30/60 exempt. I am fed up with many groups on here that will not or cannot be bothered to change to 30/60 exempt. It only takes a minute to do this! What is the point of creating new groups and making it more difficult for photographers to upload to them? OK rant over!

I am a woman who happens to be bi and am married to a man but also have my lesbian lover living with us. I am also an escort for some of my husband's friends as he knows I have an insatiable appetite for sex. 😛

The aim of my photos on here are to tease and excite my followers and anyone who just happens to come across my page and enjoys them as well then I am delighted. Hubby is delighted as well. He gets a kick out of people ogling his wife and even more so if he knows they jerk off whilst looking! I have a huge love of wearing short skirts and pantyhose with high heels and many of my photos depict this. Despite only being given small breasts I have never had any augmentation as I do not want to lose the extreme sensitivity I have in my nipples. Please enjoy my photos if you would like to. I am only here to entertain! 😛

March 2nd 2022

Felicity Nicole is back!!

I had taken a year out due to Covid and at the same time I had some cosmetic adjustments down below. I had my labia trimmed and also some little adjustment on my vagin*. I was just getting too tight for my Hubby's friends - one was so big that I had a slight split and thought it was time for a little augmentation. Well everything was a success and I am now back on escorting duties for my dear Hubby's friends! Natalia, my lesbian lover was with me all the way and I still love her dearly. Hubby is fully understanding of this and when he is away on business we go on the town and pull anyone we like between us!

Look out for some new photos which I will be uploading in a few weeks. I am sorting out my best ones that hubby and Natalia have taken of me!

ONE NOTE! I WOULD ADD MY PHOTOS TO EVEN MORE GROUPS BUT SO MANY STILL HOLD ON TO THE RESTRCTION OF THE 30/60 RULE. It is so easy to adjust this, I know because I have amended all my groups!

August 6th 2021

My darling hubby Oscar wanted to write about me on here and he was really insistent so I had no choice!

'Hi, I am Oscar and I am so lucky to be married to the most gorgeous, sexy and beautiful woman I have ever met, namely my Felicity Nicole. I met her whilst she was still a hooker in London and I had never experienced such fantastic sex with any woman until I met Felicity! I had fallen in love with her and I tried to book her services as much as I was able as I just could not get enough of her. Then one day I asked her to marry me and she accepted and became Mrs Ashley-Lloyd. This woman has given me so much happiness and pleasure but she wears me out and I love her so much that I knew she still wanted more sex. So we came up with an idea that suited both of us. And hence she became an escort again but just for my friends and business associates. They have all said how much they love her and enjoy her company and of course the lovemaking! Covid put a stop to this last year but I am delighted to say that she is now back to her sexy best and as I write this she is on a weekend lovemaking with one of her favorite 'clients' who happens to be one of my closest friends! I so love her coming back from these sexy weekends away as she looks so happy but with her insatiable appetite for sex she always wants me to make love to her straight away and I of course oblige! I am proud for my wife to show off her photos on her as we both want her followers to enjoy what I and my friends have and she is especially delighted knowing that some enjoy her photos so much that they like to pleasure themselves looking at her sexy photos, both naked/topless or in short skirts showing her cleavage. Please enjoy her photos!!!!!!! '

UPDATE:- October 22nd 2020

My escort duties for hubby's friends has been put on hold due to COVID. However, Natalia who I love so much has moved in with us permanently over the summer and it really is the three of us. Hubby absolutely loves this as he sees how happy I am with Natalia. In fact even better news, our friend from England, Verity, who is a posh English rose is staying with us in our 'bubble' for as long as she likes. Like myself and Natalia she is a lesbian so it has become three women together enjoying some great sex. Hubby gets turned on by the whole thing so is very happy himself!

UPDATE! December 28th, 2019!

I am back! Well my Flickr account is back after Flickr took my account away through no fault of my own! They deleted a lot of accounts due to spam and my account was caught in the crossfire! After several messages to them I have got back my account and all my photos but there are some things I have lost like all my comments as replies on my photos and all my comments on other photos!! Please be assured, I do reply to comments on my photos so please keep them coming! 😊

Mature Married Trans Woman who loves to wear short skirts/dresses with sheer pantyhose and heels. Interested in all aspects of the TG World. I love seeing photos of other TV, TG both pre and post op and She-Males. I also love seeing photos of RG in short skirts, heels and pantyhose. I love all boobs on Real (Genetic) Girls, TV, TS, She-Males as well, natural or not! My dress size is 16 but with a 38F bust I sometimes need an 18!

I hope my followers and anyone who sees my photos enjoys them and sees that trans women can be just as feminine and sexy as genetic women. My husband loves me uploading my photos on to Flickr and gets a thrill when positive comments are made, especially if they say they have been excited by them!

My Trans Woman Story of becoming Mrs. Felicity Nicole Ashley-Lloyd!

I was born in the late 1960s to progressive hippy parents in San Francisco, California.

At the age of 3 or 4 I already knew I wanted to be a girl - I love the company of other girls and playing with their toys and wanting to dress up in their dresses.

My parents noticed this and were not disturbed by my feminine behaviour but wanted to see how I developed in what I was interested in. By the age of 9 they realised that my desire to be a girl was not going away and decided that I could grew my hair and start wearing dresses. This was quite stressful for all of us to start with but the school was an open minded one being in San Francisco and my peers were accepting of me being a girl.

The next few years were so lovely but when I got to a pre-pubescence age I was to start seeing the medical staff. My parents were still so supporting during all these years and had fully got used to the fact that their child was a girl.

I was prescribed hormone suppressants and put on a mild dose of estrogen for the next few years. This had an effect to my satisfaction of my skin becoming softer and developing small breasts and stopped me going through puberty.

By the time I had got through high-school I had lived as a girl for nearly 10 years and I had become a young woman and the time had come to consider my gender reassignment. I decided that I should move to the United Kingdom and so in the early 90s I moved to London and started my life as an independent woman.

The surgery was going to carried out in Brighton in the UK and would involve several procedures over the next five years. I dearly wanted all this to be done and despite my parents full support they were obviously concerned at me being on my own during this time. My final sex-change operation was carried out in Brighton in the mid-90s and I was so happy at the results.

I had saved up the money by doing jobs like waitressing and then when I realised that was not enough I become a transsexual escort but I never enjoyed the sex as I was not the complete woman but I knew I had to go through this as I was determined to pay for all the surgeries myself.

Within 6 months I had recovered and was so happy to have a fully functioning vagin* and was the complete woman I knew I always wanted to be. I developed a taste for wanting sex after that and although I had always fancied other woman and considered myself to be a trans lesbian I now realised that having fully penetrative sexual intercourse with a man was such a joy. The fantastically skilled surgeons had done such a good job that I was able to have several climaxes when I have had sex and was able to secrete a vagin*l fluid that made penetration with even the most endowed man such an ease. Boy was I so happy!!

I also have a few videos :- youtu.be/1DvAeLIwT8Y, youtu.be/TBzcmeLKIBQ, youtu.be/Mugpb2gGimM, youtu.be/Q33FmNlKtqU, youtu.be/AQ7zb2qj95Q.


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----///--\\\---Thank you

Felicity Nicole April Vázquez (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.