1. Games like Max and the Magic Marker - RAWG
If you want to find games like Max and the Magic Marker, we've got you covered. This is a list of games similar to Max and the Magic Marker.
Games similar to Max and the Magic Marker on RAWG ✔ Video game discovery site ✔ The most comprehensive database that is powered by personal player experiences
2. Similar Games - Max and the Magic Marker - Giant Bomb
8 mrt 2010 · Similar Games · Mimpi Dreams · ichi · Monster Island · Super Scribblenauts · Drawn to Life · Pick a List · Comment and Save · Thanks, we're ...
Max and the Magic Marker is a side-scrolling puzzle-platformer in which players control Max through a series of levels while also using the magical marker to create platforms, stairs and shields for Max to use.
3. Games like Max and the Magic Marker - 18 best alternatives - GG.deals
We have prepared for you more than 15 games similar to Max and the Magic Marker in terms of genre, gameplay, and visuals.
Games like Max and the Magic Marker - GG.deals helps you find the best deals on digital game downloads. Join our giveaways, track new sales, synchronize your Steam collection.
4. Games similar to Max and the Magician
45, Elmo's Deep Sea Adventure (Windows, 2001) ; 43, The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (Windows, 1999) ; 43, Thomas and Friends: Thomas Saves the Day (Windows, ...
The idea of SimilarType project is to create database with high precision similarities. Data is provided by our users and verified by similarity ranking.
5. Tivola's Max series - MobyGames
Tivola's series of games for kids, starring a young cartoon dog named Max.
6. Max & The Magic Marker - WiiWare - Mario Wii
This is a magical puzzle and platform game where you control the young hero Max. With his magic marker, Max can draw anything you can imagine, and it comes to ...
Max & The Magic Marker beoordelingen, geheimen, cheats, lage prijzen en veel meer. Je vindt de Max & The Magic Marker All-in-1 op Mario Wii!
7. Download Max and the Magician - My Abandonware
Also published on Mac, this adventure and educational game is abandonware and is set in a pre-school / toddler theme.
Remember Max and the Magician, an old video game from 2001? Download it and play again on MyAbandonware.
8. Max Magic - The World of CD-i
In your hands lies the first interactive magic set, hosted by the one and only Max Magic, expert extraordinaire of virtuality and the robot alter-ego of ...
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