"Wedding" transcript (2024)

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"Wedding" transcript (1)

This is a transcript for S01E03 - "Wedding"

  • Director: Jason Winer
  • Creator: Elizabeth Meriwether
  • Writer: Donick Cary
  • Original air date USA: 4 October 2011
  • Original air date UK: 20 January 2012
  • IMDB Rating: 7.6 (11/04/14)


  • Zooey Deschanel - Jessica "Jess" Day
  • Jake Johnson - Nick Miller
  • Max Greenfield - Schmidt
  • Lamorne Morris - Winston Bishop
  • Hannah Simone - Cecilia "Cece" Parekh
  • Mary Elizabeth Ellis - Caroline
  • Katie Cassidy - Brooke
  • Natasha Lyonne - Gretchen
  • Armaan Juneja - Jimmy Longjam
  • Eric Winzenried - Bartender
  • Darren Capozzi - DJ Announcer
  • Dawan Owens - Man
  • Will Hawkes - Videographer


SCENE: Jess' room, trying on dresses whilst Nick and Schmidt are sitting on the bed waiting for her.

JESS: It's our first wedding together, so we need nicknames. Nick is 'Nicknack' or 'Mr. Suspenders'...

SCHMIDT: No nicknames, okay, your only job tonight, is to be Nick's girlfriend, okay and make sure he stays out of trouble with Caroline.

JESS: Why can't you and Winston help?

SCHMIDT: We've tried, he doesn't listen to us anymore.

FLASHBACK - Nick sitting on the floor crying about Caroline whilst Schmidt stands in the doorway trying to comfort him.

SCHMIDT: She's not coming back. (Nick cries even harder).

NICK: He's right, I don't.

JESS: [Coming out of the closet with a hideous, yellow, floral dress] Tah dah!


NICK: [Eyes wide] That is the ugliest dress I have ever seen, Jess.

SCHMIDT: I'm really gonna need you to step it up tonight, okay, when I see you I wanna be thinking who let the dirty slu*t out of the slu*thouse?

Jess: [In an English accent] Probably the slu*t butler, right?

Winston: [Sticking his head around the door] Yo, let's go, we can't be late, I am in the wedding.

Nick:You're the usher, so relax.

Winston: Yeah I'll be busy, that way I won't have to sit around answering a bunch of stupid questions all day, like, 'Do you have a job', 'Are you still playing basketball?' Does it look like I'm still playing overseas basketball?

Schmidt: What is the matter with you?

Winston: This is the first job I've had in like, two months, dude, and I really just want get in there and ush this wedding in the face!

Schmidt: You're gonna be great, man.

Jess: So when we do the chicken dance, I do it a little bit differently. I know that usually it goes: Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh, [realising she went wrong] duh duh duh duh duh duh duh, mmm mmm mm... But instead of the clap, I like to do a peck, because it's more realistic. [Miming the actions]

Nick: No chicken dance!

Schmidt: Okay, look, we're not trying to be mean, we just don't want you to be yourself... in any way.

Jess: Okay, suppress the Jess. Got it.

Schmidt: [To Nick] Did you use my hair gel?

Nick: Did I use your hair gel?

Schmidt: I'm not gonna be mad, just let me know if you did.

Nick: No.

Schmidt: Sure?

Nick: I used your hair gel.

Schmidt: Are you serious?

Nick: Yeah.

[Jess comes out of the closet in a pretty purple dress]

Schmidt: Who let the dirty slu*t out of the slu*thouse?

Nick: Wow! You look great!

[Reveals prop teeth]

Jess: [speaks in a Southern American accent but inaudible]

Schmidt: NO! [Walks off]

Nick: No teeth, Jess! You can't use prop teeth! [Walks off]

Jess: Come on, guys. These are hilarious, kids love these.

ROLL TITLES - The short version

[In the foyer to the wedding, Jess, Nick, Winston and Schmidt enter and begin mooching]

Jess: Wanna know one of my beauty secrets? The only way I could fit in this dress was by wearing little girls' bicycle shorts underneath, they are tight! I will not be peeing tonight. Oh my god, bubbles.... [heads off towards the bubbles]

Nick: [heads after her clutching her arm and guiding her away] No, no, no, no, Jess, no bubbles, no bubbles, please!

Schmidt: Hoohoo, a lot of big game here tonight, yoohoohoo. [Sees Brooke] Oh, oh there's Brooke.

Jess: Who's Brooke?

Nick: He's been into her, since freshman year. She used to get drunk and pass out on our front porch. It was like having a hot, alcoholic cat.

Schmidt: I'd always leave water out for her. Okay, tonight just got real. She's go on top of the 'kill list'.

Jess: Is that because you're going to attempt to kill her by having sex with her?

Schmidt: More or less, yeah.

Jess: Oh, Schmidt, one day you're gonna kill the nicest girl.

[In the garden, Jess is doing Nick's tie]

Jess: Look at my new boyfriend, so fancy in his big-boy tie.

Nick: Jess, would you please stop?

Jess: Okay, what is it with Caroline, you're like a different person?

Nick: Just focus on getting through today, please.

Jess: Okay Mr. Boy T Friend.

Nick: What did I tell ya?

Jess: Huhuh, don't be myself.

Nick: Yes.

Jess: It's what I love about our relationship, you never let me be myself.

[Winston is standing, waiting to do his job]

Man: Hey, Winston.

Winston: Hey.

Man: You're back.

Winston: Yeah.

Mam: What are you up to? Where you working at?

Winston: Here, as an usher. [Turns to a woman who is waiting to be seated] Hi, what a beautiful dress.

Jimmy: I'm surprised you noticed the dress, I was distracted by the woman inside. Jimmy Longjam, alternate usher.

Winston: Alternate usher, I mean, I'm here. I'm the usher.

Jimmy: You were late, it's called commitment. Look it up in a typewriter, old man.

Winston: What?!

Jimmy: How much money do you make?

Winston: Where is your mother?

Woman: Can somebody help me?

Jimmy and Winston: Hello, bride or groom?

Woman: Oh, thank you. [To Jimmy]

[Nick, Jess and Schmidt]

Schmidt: Oh no, no, not tonight, no! [Looks at someone]

Jess: Who is that?

Schmidt: It's Gretchen Nelson, she's a terrible person. We can't stand each other, at every wedding we end up having sex.

Flashback: Schmidt and Gretchen getting it on in the closet at some wedding with the Bridal March on in the background. Then Schmidt and Gretchen getting it on in a store cupboard at some wedding. End.

Schmidt: I mean, the sex was amazing. She's coming over.

Nick: Hey, there are those people that we know.

Jess: Oooh, what people? [Both walk off and leave Schmidt alone.]

Schmidt: [Clears his throat] Hello, Gretchen. I see you wore the pant suit again.

Gretchen: This is a new one. It's got way more stretch, in the pants.

Schmidt: That's horrible.

Gretchen: Are you ready for tonight? I'm gonna tie you down and show you pictures of my river rafting trip.

Schmidt: Oh, god, how many are there?

Gretchen: It's a two hour slide show.

Schmidt: No! Gretchen, we can't do this anymore, okay. It's not...it's not healthy, alright, please, no more.

[Sitting in their chairs, Caroline is staring at Nick with Jess]

Nick: There she is, there she is, she's right over there. She's right over here. Just be cool.

Caroline: [Coming over] Hi.

Nick: Hey, Caroline, wow! I didn't know you were gonna be here. It's good to see you.

Jess: Nicholas, you have to introduce me.

Nick: Uh, yeah, of course, er..Jess this is Caroline.

Caroline: Hi.

Jess: One more time, Caroline? [with and ee sounding i]

Caroline: Uh, Caroline.

Jess: Caroloo...Coraline?

Nick: Caroline!

Jess: Oh, kay, fancy. Well, I'm Nicholas' girlfriend, we just started dating so we're still in that honeymoon phase. I barely sleep, so much doing it.

Nick: So much doing it, it's crazy.

Jess: He's so soft, like a towel.

Caroline: Well, uh, it was nice to meet you.

Jess: It was so nice to meet you too, Carol.

Caroline: Caroline.

Jess: [Laughs] i give up.

Caroline: I guess I'll, see you later.

Nick: Sure. [To Jess] Oh my god, was she jealous? I think she was jealous. You did so good. That was remarkable.

Jess: [Puts on prop teeth] I'm just doing what ma momma learnt me.

Nick: [Holding out his hand] Gimme the teeth. [Jess drops them into his hand]

[Scene: At the bar, after the ceremony]

Schmidt: Hi, wow, Brooke. Schmidt. You used to worry my poncho, freshman year. Remember that? No? Fat Schmidt?

Brooke: Fat Schmidt! Of course! Wow, you look great.

Schmidt: You, also, sure, um, how are your classes? I mean...not that we're, not that we're in school anymore, I know that. What...what are you drinking? White wine?

Brooke: I'm not drinking. I'm sober, six months. Can I get a saltzer, please?

Schmidt: Me too.

Brooke: You're six months sober, also?

Schmidt: Seven months, one more.

Brooke: Wow! That's great! Congratulations.

Bartender: Here's your white wine.

Schmidt: What? That's a mistake, no I didn't order that. No. No, sir! [Even the smell of it...]

Brooke: I'm going back to my table, but you can come talk to me, if you need to.

Schmidt: Okay, thank you. [To bartender] So what I need you to do is this, I need you to put vodka in a water bottle, okay, and rendezvous with me in the restroom, okay? Same page, same page?

[Scene: In the venue]

Jimmy: [Laughs at Winston]

Winston: [To Nick] This kid is pushing my buttons.

Nick: Winston, he's just a little boy, relax.

Schmidt: If Brooke asks, I six months clean and sober, and looking to settle down.

Nick: Great. [To Jess] Schmidt's sober. What are you doing? [She is touching his face]

Jess: She's looking at us. [Waves at Caroline] Your head is shaped like a yam.

Nick: Yeah I know, I can't wear soft hats. Hey, when she comes here I want to talk to her about myself.

Jess: No.

Caroline: Hi, could that ceremony have lasted any longer? [Laughs at own joke]

Jess: Hahaha. We loved it, taking notes, unless Mr. Commitment Phobe over here, decides to make an honest women out of me.

Caroline: Oh.

Nick:: Hey, Jess. Did you wanna go do that thing, for um...?

Jess: Yes, I did. I wanted to do it very badly... [Leaves]

Nick: Thank you.

DJ: And now, for the first time ever, Mr and Mrs Hammond.

[Jess walks right into the doorway where the bride and groom are entering through]

Jess: [Looks awkwardly around] Yay! Bride and groom! Make way! Hazaar! Celebrate love! Get ready for a wonderful life of merriment and joy.

Caroline: Jess is...great.

Nick: Yeah, the best. So happy.

Caroline: Are you guys pretty serious?

Nick: Yeah, we are pretty serious. Yeah, we live together. I mean different bedrooms but shared bathrooms, so that's something.

[Scene: Schmidt at the bar]

Schmidt: Alcohol, any kind of alcohol you have. Just gimme anything. Thank you.

Gretchen: Gimme that.

Schmidt: Oh God. It's like you're lapping it out of a puddle.

Gretchen: Eugh, where did you get those boots? Off a lady hiker?

Schmidt: Look at those earrings. Are they clip ons?

Gretchen: [Whispers] I'm gonna make you wear them.

Scmhidt:... Huh. No!

[Jess is sitting at a table pulling at her shorts]

Jess: Is it bad that I can't feel my legs?

Schmidt: Yes, now let's talk about my problems. Jess, I have to go home with Brooke tonight. I deserve someone like Brooke, she's perfect and it doesn't matter that I have gymnastic mean spirited, highly educational sex with Gretchen, it's just, that's not what I want to do anymore, okay? Not tonight.

Jess: What's so bad about liking Gretchen, I mean you guys obviously have like a weird connection?

Schmidt: No, no, no. I wanna connect with Brooke. I wanna connect with her in the shower, on the floor, sitting Indian style.

Jess: Okay, you know what, you can keep talking but I'm gonna put my hands over my ears.

Winston: We got a problem. [They look over at Nick and Caroline talking]

Schmidt: Jess, what did you do?

Jess: Look, they're fine. They're just talking.

Schmidt: No, not fine.

Winston: No, no, no. With Caroline, he is not fine. Okay, he ran into her at a party two months ago, then sent me a ten page email about what she meant when she said 'I'll see you soon'.

Schmidt: She will flirt with until she knows she can have him. It's like he's her back up plan.

Jess: I didn't know that.

Schmidt: You wanna live with Nick when he's not showering and crying all day?

Winston: Yeah, it sounds like this. [Imitates Nick]

Schmidt: You ever heard a grown man sob listening to Simon and Garfunkel?

Jess: Yeah, my dad.

Schmidt: Yeah.

Jess: Okay, I get it, I'll go but I just...these biker shorts are really tight...

Schmidt: [Getting her up] Come on, work through it.

Jess: Okay, okay.

Schmidt: It's all on you, Jess.

[Jess starts dancing in front of the table where Nick and Caroline are sat]

Jess: Come on in, honey. The water's fine.

Nick: Jess, you know I don't dance.

Jess: Oh, but you didn't know that I did this. [starts to mime dance] I'm mime walking, I'm Mimechael Jackson.

Nick: [Laughs nervously]

Caroline: I'm gonna get a drink.

Nick: Me too.

Jess: Nick, wait, no.

Nick: Yes, relax this is good, I may actually have a chance and it's all because of you so thank you.

Jess: No Nick, that wasn't my intention. Nick, Nick! [Jimmy comes up and starts dancing with Jess] Oh, hi. I don't feel like dancing right now, I'm sorry. I'm really uncomfortable right now.Oh Winston, thank God. Nick got away!

Winston: Nick can wait, this, this is about honesty. [Starts having a dance off with Jimmy]

DJ: And, looks like we have a dance off.

Winston: What?! [Starts grinding on Jess]

Jess: Oh my God, what are you doing?!

Jimmy: Mom! Mommy?!

Jess: Nick? Nick!?

[Scene: Later on in the after party, Schmidt approaches Brooke]

Schmidt: The chocolate fountain, it reminds me of the one in Tuscany, you ever been?

Brooke: Yeah, I was just there for New Year's, where's the chocolate fountain?

Schmidt: I don't know, I've never been, I'm just fascinated with the culture.

Jess: [From the other side of the room] Schmidt! Schmidt! I need you to help me take these off so I can go find Nick!

Brooke: God, are you friends with that girl?

Jess: Schmidt?!!

Schmidt: Look, I didn't want to have to tell you this but, she was a mistake I made when I hit rock bottom. I was her Sid and she was my Nancy and then I got sober and she couldn't deal with it and the poor thing just went, she went crazy.

Jess: Schmidt! I need you to help me slap my thighs around!

Schmidt: I don't want to scare you, but she can be very dangerous when she drinks. Okay, I shouldn't even be in the same room as her, it's just, it feels so good talking to you.

Brooke: Maybe we should get you out of here.

Schmidt: What a great idea, ues.

Brooke: I just have to go to the bathroom really quickly.

Schmidt: Whatever you need, whatever, yeah, of course.

[Scene: Nick and Caroline are in a photo booth]

Nick: Ready, no lips. Name one, name one.

Caroline: Do, uh, wind tunnel!

Nick: Super high drivers license.

Caroline: [Laughs] Can we stay in here all night?

[Scene: Brooke walks into the restroom and finds Jess in there]

Jess: Oh, hi! Schmidt is very fond of you.

Brooke: Um, look, I..I don't know...I don't even know him that well, okay?

Jess: Oh! I'm just cutting off my underwear, you know, girl stuff. [Rips them off] Ahh. So tight. Well, it's been really nice chatting with you but I've gotta pretend boyfriend to hunt down, I think he's cheating on me [Brandishing a pallette knife] and don't break Schmidt's heart, or you'll have me to deal with. [Laughs]

[Scene: Nick and Caroline still in the photo booth]

Jess: [Pulls back curtain of photo booth] Aha! I trusted you!

Nick: Jess, get outta here.

Caroline: Nothing happened.

Jess: After everything we've built.

Nick: Go away, Jess, please.

Jess: Who are you?

Caroline: No, really, nothing happened. I have a boyfriend.

Nick: Wait, you have a boyfriend?

Caroline: Yeah, well I've been seeing someone. I didn't want to bring him because I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but now I know that you have Jess...

Jess: Yeah, he has me... and our baby!

Caroline: Okay, I'm just gonna let you guys...

Jess: And our other baby!

Schmidt: [Goes up to Jess] Jess, what happened with Brooke?

Jess: What?

Schmidt: She just left here in tears because she said that you threatened her with a knife!?

Jess: No, I was talking you up.

Schmidt: No, you shouldn't have been talking me up, you should've been taking care of Nick. Why is it so hard to do one thing?

Jess: How is this my fault?

Schmidt: Ruiner.

Jess: Uh, did you just call me a ruiner?

Schmidt: Yeah.

Jess: Okay, you know what, forget it. I'm not helping you guys anymore. Give me my teeth back. [Goes in Nick's jacket]

Nick: Stop it, Jess.

Jess: You don't appreciate them.

Nick: Cool it!

Jess: Give them back. I'm gonna have fun, [puts in teeth] cause there's nothing wrong with who I am, and I like having fun at weddings, and I like dancing, and if you don't like that, then tough teeter tots, tooter. Jess is back. [Storms off]

Gretchen: [Walks over to Schmidt] Ah, you going home with me aren't you? [Puts the clip on earrings on him] Good boy. [Slaps his ass]

[Scene: Drunken Nick being filmed for the happy couple]

Nick: [Holds up pictures from the photo booth] That's Caroline and that's me. Four years we were together so...it doesn't matter to me, it's just what matter is..respect. [Crying] I'm just so alone right now, man and it's a real bad situation...

Camera Man: Uh, Steve and Bree.

Nick: Steve and Bree, because that's what this is about, I agree with you, you're good at your job, man. [Turning to the cardboard cut out of Steve and Bree] I'm so happy for you, you look great, it feels a little bit like you're rubbing it in my face, you know, happiness, but let's be honest, Bree, this doesn't look great on you. [Gestures to the dress] This. That's not a great look, Bree! Congratulations, Steve, nice fedora and no open bar, Steve, don't you understand that's tacky! You're dad's rich, you're a lawyer, man. [Kicks over cardboard cut out] Yeah! That happened! [Goes over to the photo booth] The photo booth is a liar, fyi. [Opens curtain] Oh, hey ladies, you guys wanna see a grown man cry? No? Then get out! I think I saw a single doctor looking at you. [To one of the women] This is gonna take a while, Orange.

[Scene: Jess. sitting at a table, blowing bubbles]

Jess: Hi there, partner.

Winston: [Sits down and put his feet up like Jess] Hey, can I tell you something you promise to never tell Schmidt? I love bubbles! [Laughs] I don't know why, I just always have. [Takes the bubbles and blows some, laughs again] You see that, that was like two in one.

Jess: Woah.

Winston: Are you okay?

Jess: Yeah, I'm fine.

Winston: Those guys were jerks, but I know that they're glad you're around.

Jess: Really?

Winston: Yeahh, I'm just gonna come out and say it, especially Nick, but they're all thinking it. Even me. Most of the time.

Jess: [Smiles] It was weird, when I was stuck in a freak sandwich between you and that eight year old. Do you wanna talk about that?

Winston: [Snigg*rs] You know, it's just that he got to be a bit annoying, so.. I kinda took my feelings out with dance...? [Jess laughs]

Schmidt: Okay, er, so, we have a situation.

Scene: [Nick drunkenly talking in the photo booth to himself]

Winston: Hey, Nick.

Nick: It's mine now.

Winston: How're you doing, buddy?

Nick: They want me to leave the booth...but I'm staying. This is my home now. It's got everything that I need.

Schmidt: [Showing the pictures to Jess] You can see by looking at these pictures, that he's experiencing a variety of different emotions. This one is... well that's actually his butt. He just keeps saying, Jess.

Nick: Jess! The fact is, is I was a mean person and I'm sorry, okay?

Jess: [Pokes her head into the booth] Hi, Nicholas.

Nick: Hey, Jess. I live in a photo booth, now.

Jess: Oh, is that so?

Nick: Yup. Come on in, come on in. That's the kitchen area.

Jess: Very nice.

Nick: This is the common area.

Jess: Oh, okay.

Nick: Dining room, living room, kind of everything.

Jess: It's very nice. Hey...she had a boyfriend...

Nick: Yeah.

Jess: She shouldn't have been flirting with you all night. You can't be her back up plan. You have to let each other go. So now, you have to make a decision. Am I gonna stay locked in a photo booth for the next hour or am I gonna get out there, take my shoes off and dance my face off. [Laughs] Come on, it's up to you. [Leaves]

Nick: Oh, man, all right. [Pats the wall] I love you photo booth. [Leaves]

[Scene: Winston walks into the main room, and looks over at Nick and Caroline talking]

Winston: [Walks over to the table where Jess and Schmidt are] Yo, look at him. He looks better.

[Nick and Caroline]

Nick: I can't do this anymore. I have to let you go, Caroline, for real. It has to be over.

Caroline: [Sighs] Um... [Hugs him]

Nick: Goodbye, good luck and everything.

Caroline: Good bye.

Nick: Alright, um, I've gotta, excuse me. [Walks over to Jess, just as a song comes on] Come on, Jess.

Jess: What?

Nick: Just please? Just come with me, right now. [She gets up and they walk onto the dancefloor and face each other] [Nick starts doing a slow motion chicken dance to the music]

Jess: [Laughs and joins in]

Schmidt: You know, that looks like so much fun. [Gets up and joins in]

Winston: [Laughs and joins in too]

Schmidt: Check out my beats.

Winston: Stop copying my beats.

[Credit Scene: Schmidt tied to Gretchen's bed]

Schmidt: Gretchen, you think that like, hooking up at all these weddings...I mean one of these times, we go on an actual date.

Gretchen: No! I'm just using you for your body.

Schmidt: Oh, okay, cool. How many more of these things?

Gretchen: We're just getting started.

Schmidt: That yellow helmet is... ugh.

Gretchen: Tonight, I'm gonna get certified on the River Schmidt.


"Wedding" transcript (2024)


What should my wedding officiant say? ›

Traditional Wedding Ceremony Script

Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join [Name] and [Name] in holy matrimony. [Name], I promise to cherish you always, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us.

Who gives the bride away if there is no father? ›

In some situations, there is the sadness of an absent father, so a bride might choose her mother, a grandfather or grandmother, an uncle or aunt, a brother or sister, her own son or daughter, or any combination of people to walk her up the aisle.

How does the officiant ask who gives the bride away? ›

When asked “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”, he commonly will answer, “I do.” The more modern way of answering is to say, “Her mother and I do.”

How long should an officiant speech be? ›

When it comes to the length of an officiant wedding script, all you need is some fun, friendly, and informative content to make your guests smile and capture the essence of your relationship. An average wedding ceremony script for officiants should be 5-15 minutes long, but that varies based on the type of ceremony.

How do you introduce yourself as a wedding officiant? ›

The audience will want to know who you are and why you're up there. So, start by introducing yourself—briefly—and explain why you were chosen or how you know the couple. Then, share those two or three specific stories you brainstormed or crowd-sourced. And lastly, zoom out.

What makes a good officiant? ›

Look for someone that not only has experience officiating weddings but also makes you and your partner feel comfortable. Your wedding officiant is going to play a big part in your big day—so you want to make sure it's someone who makes you feel at ease.

Why do fathers give their daughters away at weddings? ›

If this seems old-fashioned, that's because it is: The practice dates back to the days when a woman was viewed as the property of her father, and he gave her away on the wedding day in exchange for a dowry.

Who walks the mother of the bride down the aisle? ›

If the mother of the bride is taking part in the wedding processional, she is traditionally escorted by a close male relative like a son or brother or may enter alone. If the parents are divorced, she may be escorted by her partner. In some cases, a groomsman or best man will escort her down the aisle.

What does a dad give his daughter on her wedding day? ›

A ring dish or jewelry box is a great wedding day gift. Many ring dishes and jewelry boxes can also be personalized with the bride's new name and wedding date to make it a keepsake she will never forget. If you want to give a really generous gift, you could gift a piece of jewelry with the ring dish or jewelry box.

What do officiants say at weddings non-religious? ›

Officiant to first marrier: Repeat after me—I, [name], take you [name], to be my spouse, best friend and confidant, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

What should a wedding celebrant say? ›

Celebrant: Welcome family and friends. We have come together today to witness the promises in marriage of [Bride/Groom/Partner's full legal name] and [Bride/Groom/Partner full legal name].

What are the opening words for the officiant? ›

My name is ____, and I have the privilege of performing this ceremony today. On behalf of (Partner 1) and (Partner 2), welcome and thank you for being here. They are thrilled that you are here today to share in their joy during this wonderful moment in their lives.

What should the preacher say at a wedding? ›

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that you may faithfully live together in this life, and in the age to come have life everlasting. Amen.


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